
Finding word analogies using GLoVe word embeddings

This project is maintained by susantabiswas


Word Analogy using Word Embeddings

Finding word analogies using GLoVe word embeddings. In the word analogy task, we have “a is to b as c is to __“. For example is ‘boy is to girl as king is to queen’ .

Example word analogy
alt text

Output word analogy for user input
alt text

We find a word d, such that the associated word vectors e_a, e_b, e_c, e_d are related in the following manner:
e_b - e_a ~ e_d - e_c.
For finding d we measure the similarity between e_b - e_a and e_d - e_c using cosine similarity.

There are two versions available:

  1. Jupyter notebook
  2. Python script

Here is a demo of Python script alt text


  1. This project is based on the assignment from Sequence Models Specialization by Deeplearning.ai on Coursera. https://www.coursera.org/learn/nlp-sequence-models/home/welcome.
  2. Jeffrey Pennington, Richard Socher, and Christopher D. Manning. 2014. GloVe: Global Vectors for Word Representation. pdf bib